Resources for the Thrifty Writer

Workshops are a great resource for amateur and professional writers alike. They are a place to test first drafts and refine sixth and seventh revisions. However, not everyone has the time or the resources to attend workshops. Most workshops have at least a nominal fee, and some can range to the thousands.

A new trend has been emerging on the internet to rectify this problem: online workshop forums. Websites like connect amateur and professional writers from around the world who read and review each others’ portfolios. This particular website allows each writer to post 10 items to his or her portfolio, provides a customized domain and even an email address–all for free.

For those who prefer to have a more intimate workshop experience, perhaps with writers they know personally, is another alternative. On this site, anyone can create a forum on any topic and regulate forum membership. Writers have used this online tool to create workshop forums, like this one created by an ASU Creative Writing student, which are free to all users and easy to navigate.

For writers who lack spare time and extra cash, online workshop forums are an accessible way to get feedback on their work.